I've been going to Yates for over 20 years now and I would never go anywhere else. I cannot count the ways in which they outshine any other car place, from little things to big. Big: the always fix my car properly, charge fairly and have it ready on time. Big: when my father was in the hospital dying some years ago and my car started making terrible noises, I burst into tears while pumping gas...so the manager at the time came out, took my keys and said they'd take care of everything, then offered to drive me to Georgetown Hospital...they called later that day to say my car was fixed, they'd had it inspected and would be glad to pick me up under the terrible circumstances. This is a lot more than "service." They are unfailingly polite and addressed my aged mother so courteously that she's always called them "those darling boys at Yates." I feel as though Ben and his crew are old family friends and I trust them implicitly. Their work, their courtesy, their timely delivery of services....nothing could be better.